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Intrafaculty Colloquium: Mathematics and Physics

Upcoming events


Date Location Speaker Title
30th of January, 2015 Institute of Mathematics, SR 404 Axel Kleinschmidt Discrete Dualities in String Theory and Automorphic Forms


Past events


Date Location Speaker Title

25th of July, 2014

Hörsaal II, Albertstr. 23b Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech)

An overview of mirror symmetry

30th of May, 2014

Institute of Physics, HS I Tobias J. Osborne

The Renormalisation Group via Statistical Inference

9th of May, 2014 Institute of Physics, HS I Miguel Navascues Non-Commutative Polynomial Optimization
17th of January, 2014 Institute of Mathematics, SR 404 Benjamin Merkt Gauge invariance of the log-likelihood functional – Lie-group theory & biology  (pdf)


Date Location Speaker Title Announcement
29th of November, 2013 Institute of Mathematics, SR 404 Ezra Getzler Chern-Weil theory for quasi-isomorphisms  pdf
July 27th, 2012, 14ct. Mathematik, SR 404 Manfred Salmhofer Feynman Graph Techniques in Mathematical Physics Announcement M. Salmhofer
June 15th, 2012, 14ct. Physik, Hermann-Herder-Str. 6 Emanuel Scheidegger Dualities and Partition Functions in Mathematics and Physics Announcement E. Scheidegger
May 18th, 2012, all day Institute of Physics Andrejewski Day The Mathematics of Quantum Transport conference poster
January 13th, 2011, 14ct. Mathematik, SR 403 Jürgen Jost Graph Theory and Network Analysis Announcement J. Jost
December 9th, 2011, 14ct. Physik Hochhaus, Hörsaal 1 Katrin Wendland On K3 surfaces in physics and geometry Announcement K. Wendland
November 4th, 2011, 14ct. Physik Hochhaus, Hörsaal 1 David Gross A coarse view on dynamics of one-dimensional quantum lattice systems Announcement Gross
August 4th, 2011, 14ct. Physik Hochhaus, Hörsaal 1 Italo Guarneri Irreversible behaviour and collapse of wave packets in a quantum model with point interaction 04082011_guarneri.pdf
July 22nd, 2011, 14ct. HS Weismann-Haus Jan-Hendrik Treude Ricci Curvature Comparison for Lorentzian Manifolds 20110722_treude.pdf
June 10th, 2011, 14ct. Physik Hochhaus, Hörsaal 1 Marco Kühnel Kompakte und Nicht-Kompakte Calabi-Yau-Mannigfaltigkeiten 20110610-kuehnel.pdf
January 14th, 2011, 14ct. Physik Hochhaus, Hörsaal 1 Sebastian Goette Eigenvalues and Index theory 20110114-goette.pdf
December 10th, 2010: 14ct. Physik Hochhaus, Hörsaal 1 Andreas Knauf (Uni Erlangen) Information - Geometrie - statistische Mechanik andreasknauf.pdf
October 29th, 2010: 14ct. Physik Hochhaus, Hörsaal 2 Annette Huber-Klawitter Motive, Perioden und Zeta-Werte 20101029_huber-klawitter_motive_perioden_und_zeta-werte.pdf
June 25th, 2010: 14 c.t. Hörsaal I, Physik-Hochhaus Jochum van der Bij Loop Integrals and Number Theory  
January 22th, 2010: 14 c.t. Hörsaal II, Physik-Hochhaus Daniel Greb Hamiltonian group actions in Complex Geometry  
November 20th, 2009, 14 c.t. Lecture hall Hermann-Herder-Straße 6 Nikolai Neumaier Symmetries and reduction in classical mechanics and deformation quantization  
October 16th, 2009   Uzy Smilansky, Weizmann Institute Can one count the shape of a drum?  
July 17th, 2009   Stefan Waldmann Introduction to Deformation Quantization  
May 29th, 2009   Wolfgang Soergel Why Non Irreducible Representations are Interesting  
January 14th, 2009   Florian Mintert Entanglement measures and observable entanglement  
Templates, files and other stuff


For comments, Please contact David Gross, Richard Kueng (physics), or Katrin Wendland (mathematics).

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